Category Estate Planning

Common Myths About Estate Planning

Estate planning is an essential aspect of financial planning that people often ignore or avoid. There are various misconceptions regarding estate planning that discourage people from planning their estate. This article aims to debunk some of the most common myths about…

When to Update Your Will

Most people write their first will when they get married or have a baby. You should, however, write your first will when you turn 18. Every adult should have a will, and they should update it when they are facing major life changes,…

What is Included in an Estate?

Estate planning is an important step of ensuring your family is cared for upon your death. While you may understand the importance of estate planning, you may be unsure of what your “estate” actually includes. The word “estate” may conjure ideas…

What is a Living Will?

When a person dies, their will provides information about how their property will be distributed along with their other final wishes. However, a will may not only apply upon death. There is another document known as a “living will,” which…

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