5 Tips to Prepare for Your Deposition

A deposition is part of the pre-trial discovery procedure during which you will answer questions from the defendant’s attorney, and it has the potential to completely alter the course of your personal injury case. Despite lacking a judge or jury, a deposition is virtually the same as giving testimony in court. Therefore, it is critical you take the time to adequately prepare for what may occur during your deposition in order to ensure a successful settlement. If you have been injured in an accident due to no fault of your own and are pursuing a claim against the other party, what happens during your deposition will play a crucial role in the value of your settlement.

To maximize your chances of a successful outcome, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Make the best impression possible by dressing professionally, arriving promptly, and remaining as polite as possible. Remember, your credibility is on the line. Be honest if you don’t remember or don’t know the answer.
  • Don’t elaborate on your answers more than necessary as this only opens your words to interpretation. This is not a conversation, no matter how friendly or disarming the questions may seem.
  • It’s okay to take breaks and failing to do so may hurt you in the long run. If you find yourself too tired and unable to concentrate any further, you are well within your rights to ask to pause the proceedings.
  • Ask for clarification if necessary. The attorney may attempt to confuse you as part of their strategy.
  • Last but not least, stay calm. There is no reason to be nervous is you are telling the truth, and it is important to stick to the facts and avoid being derailed from your intended message.
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